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Equal opportunities team of volunteers visited a small town in South Bulgaria this week 25th July 2023 to meet and evaluate a candidate for our cause.

Ana is a clever 16 years old girl with an admirable ambition to study hard and become a doctor.

She was referred to our organisation through our network of supporters after a terrible tragedy 6 months ago, which left her living with her elderly grandmother as her only survived close relative.

Despite her loss, she continues to be a determined and strong student, being helped by her teachers, classmates and the wider community.

At our first meeting in person, we found her quiet and reserved at first, but hopefully she opened up and managed to trust us at the end.

Our team, instantly related to her story, felt compelled to get involved.

Ana is perfectly positioned to succeed and well deserving our support.

She is a top achieving student in the College of Mathematics and Science with Chemistry and Biology her main subjects.

Equal Opportunities have taken the responsibility to pay for Ana's tuition and reassured Ana of our future support through her studies all the way to graduation and beyond.

Please follow her process on our timeline.

We wish to thank all the community of well wishers for helping Ana and especially her grandma for her resilience and wisdom.

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