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Recently, our organization had the pleasure of visiting the Social Care Home where Alex resides, in order to check on her progress in school and life. Alex is a young and talented girl dreaming to study accounting at the prestigious University of Economics in Varna.

We engaged with Alex a few months ago when she was recommended to us by the director of the Social Care Home she lives in. As part of our commitment to supporting Alex's academic journey, we sponsored Bulgarian language and literature lessons to help her prepare for her upcoming final exam. We also arranged a work experience opportunity in the accounting firm Fix - S Kireva EOOD.

The aim of our visit was to ensure that the work experience we arranged for her was enriching her knowledge and skills. Moreover, we wanted to see how the literature lessons we provided were helping her prepare for her final exam.

We were happy to find that this work experience not only exposed Alex to real-world practices but also strengthened her passion for accounting. The practical exposure further fuelled her ambition to pursue a career in the field.

During our visit, we had the opportunity to meet with Alex's literacy tutor Dora Zlateva, who was thrilled with her progress and intelligence. The dedication and enthusiasm shown by Alex in her studies have been truly inspiring, and she continues to excel with each passing day. The guidance and mentorship provided by Dora Zlateva have been instrumental in unlocking Alex's potential and nurturing her thirst for knowledge.

Equal Opportunities firmly believes that every child deserves the chance to dream big and work towards their aspirations. Alex's story serves as a shining example of how the right support and encouragement can transform lives. Through the combined efforts of our charitable organization, the Social Care Home, and Alex's unwavering determination, she is now on the path to fulfilling her dream of studying accounting at the University of Economics in Varna.

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